
Posts Tagged ‘study’

Self Rejection?

April 15, 2013 2 comments

I have this feeling lately that I’m not interested in creating art anymore. For the past 8 months whatever I’ve been doing was art related. Creativity is the only way to kill boredom I thought. I’m not sure anymore. I’m not sure what’s the cause of this change in me. It may be because of the isolation, maybe I need a break. I hope things will completely change when I go to Philippines.

Cebu, I’m coming.

March 7, 2013 4 comments

After graduating high school I knew that I wanted to study film-making abroad. I don’t want a boring office job, doing the same things over and over again. So, I’m going to do what I really want to do. Art is my passion. I’m interested in pretty much everything art related. One of the reasons I chose film-making is because it’s a combination of art elements(Photography,music etc.).

“My goal is not to wake up at forty with the bitter realization that I’ve wasted my life in a job I hate, because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens.”


I’ve always wanted to visit Philippines for many reasons. So studying there is ideal for me. At this period of my life I don’t want to live in a overpopulated city away from nature. Philippines have beautiful nature. So ;). I A F T gave me the opportunity to study in Cebu. They gave me a scholarship. It’s a one year intensive program on film-making. What I really like about this school is that they don’t give much importance in theory (except the basics of course) and that it’s only one year. I don’t want to waste years of my life studying the 80% of the time about who did what? When? Why? Who was his father? blah blah blah. That’s irrelevant with art. I hate that. That way students end up becoming the imitations of those before them. You can’t teach art that way. I doubt if you can even teach art any way.

So, yeah, that’s it, I’m traveling in one or two months from now because I have to do some things first (visa, apartment, tickets etc.). Needless to say that I’m freaking excited.

Facts: My first foreign friend on Facebook was from Philippines. Many people from Philippines have found this blog even though I haven’t written anything about Philippines here until now. Even the first person who ever commented on this blog is from Philippines, Ren.

After that I don’t know what I’m going to do. I may stay there for a while or travel somewhere else. Perhaps one of my next destinations is going to be Hong Kong, Paris or Istanbul (I really liked it there).

But for now


cebu cityscape